
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

DSD (do something different)

This is a different kind of heart.


I was watching The Passionate Eye on CBCNewsworld, a documentary called Reel Injun, and how Native Americans were portrayed in Hollywood (some film clips horrified me, like John Wayne digging up an Indian corpse from sacred ground and firing bullets into it. I know it was acting, but even actors with some common decency should be able to draw the line. Kind of ironic that he died from heavy tobacco use, an Indian sacred plant that, if abused, can kill -- as we already know.)

The gentler side of life. I made several more "white" hearts; when I'm on a roll, I continue until, well, until I stop! I love making hearts.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I've listed four hearts in my Etsy shop.
I'm very fond of this one!

SOLD. Thank you!

Silver Bella


It's official. I'm teaching at Silver Bella in November in Omaha, Nebraska. If I was gobsmacked when the amazing Teresa McFayden invited me, I am doubly gobsmacked because among the stars teaching there is ...... Lynn Whipple. I have loved Lynn Whipple's work for more than 10 years... and now I get to meet her.

Monday, March 29, 2010

True Scrap

No scrap is wasted. I would be lost without my box of scraps. I keep only ones I really like, otherwise I would drown in a sea of bits and pieces!

My lovely girl from Teesha Moore wears a hat made by stamping a bird stamp several times around her head, then adding a scrap from a damaged vintage hankie from which I salvaged some scraps.

In other news, this week I am one of the guest curators at
Check out the links!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

One of my favourite things to make, hearts! Nothing better on a wet-ish Sunday. The medal on the big heart is of Joan of Arc. I believe she was psychic, not schitzophrenic, but as usual human nature took over and hatred and jealousy and fear burned her at the stake. I wonder what would have happened to Boudica had she been born much, much later....
Be strong!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tribute to Lacemakers

Making this by hand with pieces of vintage and antique lace, I wondered how many hands were really involved here...

Friday's Child

This little girl really is Friday's child.... I was born on a Friday.

Isn't it wonderful that we always have a  fresh new day to look forward to. Isn't it great that life is fluid, not static, and things change and move, and that we can learn and grow and look forward to better things. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A cautionary tale

Postscript : I have two credit cards, period. The other company, MBNA, just called, a courtesy call, to see if I needed anything. (Talk about timing!!) Fraud protection? I asked. Absolutely, you get 100% protection, they said.  Great! Then they lowered my interest, which was low anyway, and added some other benefits. Which is good, since it's my primary credit card. [Thank you for your comforting comments. Bless you all!]

I want to salute my bank: TD-Canada Trust. I have been with them for more years than I can count, for good reason.

Last night, at midnight, a thief had a spree with my Visa card. My bank immediately put a hold on the card and called me this morning, because they know my patterns. I don't shop online at midnight for hundreds of dollars....

The card has been cancelled, traces have been put on the purchases, and I've been assured I am protected from any and all costs. On top of that, the bank representative who talked to me was very soothing and understanding.

Still and all, it's a terrible shock. Especially for someone as careful as I am with online shopping with a credit card.

On this day, March 25, many years ago, I suffered a burglary that took my husband's life. Let me tell you, the credit card shock was compounded by the memory of that date.

But, you count your blessings (in this case, my wonderful bank), have a hot cup of something, and slowly the shaking stops.

Have a very safe day!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New work

After two rainy days, out comes the sun. My new balcony doors are open, the screen door protecting me against any wayward winged things. After the ladybug infestation we had some years ago, I have not opened that door until now. Simple things can be so delicious -- like a screen door! The kitchen counter is being replaced next, and it really needs it.

Back at my work table, another kind of new work: the memoirs of Marcel Proust. Here's a detail:

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mysterious Ways

A letter from my friend Robyn demonstrates that "art saves".  A breast cancer survivor for many years, she has been going through a difficult time with it lately, which is only serving to make her spirit stronger. I know she will be fine. Every so often, Robyn orders what I call a 'care package' from me. She leaves the contents up to me. I choose items very carefully, wrap everything individually, and send her the package. Sometimes lovely things happen. She has given me permission to share this with you.

dear Colette,

yesterday, 18th I had my operation as you know, I took one little gift to open while I was waiting to go to theatre (operating room).. and you will never guess what it was! the angel wing. I was truly surrounded by angels yesterday.
     today 19th, I was resting on my cane lounge, looking at my pile of little gifts yet to be open and I had an urge to open one. the one that I knew i had to open was a little square package.. and inside a chain with a medal on it.. the St.Joseph, maria medal. perfect for today which is the Feast of St. Joseph. perfect for today our wedding anniversary.
     I do believe that I am going to be fine.. all of these gifts are telling me that each time I open one.
    also, the little pouch that I spoke of the other day.. I am using it to keep my bach flower rescue remedy in.. perfect because of the words on it: stay calm carry on..
 anyhow, if you would like to share this on your blog, please do!
 sending love always Robyn xoxo

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Oh, Alice! Part Deux

Sometime it feels like I'm the one who's down a rabbit hole...

So it's the Vernal Equinox. Hmmmm. After a week of sunshine and warmth, the temperature has dipped and we're back to March as we always knew it.

I want to pay homage to my sister. She is my rock. I love her dearly and I would be very poor without her. That's why I named this rubber stamp "Marie-Claire", which is her name. Actually, it reminded me of her when she was a very young thing, but with fair hair.........

Friday, March 19, 2010

Lace Kite

Fridays are usually very busy for me, and today was no exception. It's good to come home, open the balcony doors, and savour the warm weather. I believe Mother Nature has confused March with May... although it may also be our doing too, the human race as a whole, that is.

I came across Janet Bolton some years ago and instantly took to her work. I was charmed; I wished I could take a class with her. I came close yesterday, with her re-published book, Patchwork Folk Art, with all the instructions, and I made this. It was a lesson in discipline (no shortcuts) and worth every stitch.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day after St. Patrick and the day before San Giuseppe

I wanted to share some Irish art with you. My brother-in-law Bruce paints in the Irish countryside. I totally love this painting. It captures an ancient feeling for me, the Ireland of the High Kings and Gaels and Cuchulainn and mythology.
Oil on canvas (c) Bruce Copeland

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's day

My friend Christine sent me this link and I want to share it with you.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!

Me with nieces and nephew in Co. Wexford, Ireland, a long time ago. These "kids" are now grown-up married adults...

The shoes, the shoes!!! Pam is right, they're "duck shoes". L.L.Bean, of course!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Humor saves the day

Oh, Alice!
[part of a tag collection in my Etsy shop]

Monday, March 15, 2010

A message

I've been a fan and customer of for years and years. Susan's middle name is customer service. I think she was the one who started me on my rubber stamp adventure. I check her site regularly, and I saw this stamp today.

Perfect. No explanation needed!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weekend update

So -- what do you do on a wet and windy weekend? You go to work, then run over to the grocery store and go home. Settle down and practise doing something new. I've been wanting to crochet little flower shapes. I had some hemp string (a little unwieldy, but I like it) and looked up the how-to on the Internet. A little wonky, but I'm getting there. That's because I'm not very good at written instructions, especially when they're mysterious and known only to crocheters, so I have to figure it out myself. My friend Joy made me a bookmark that was perfect; now, if I could watch her work I would pick it up much faster....

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday's child

The Weather.
Wet all weekend.
When we have good weather in March, we always have to pay for it. Still. it was worth it for the week of warm sunshine.

This evening I go to my monthly ATC group at BizzyB's. There was no theme imposed so I was able to do anything I wanted. You can see that spring was on my mind...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The McKinney, TX, connection

People often ask me why my sister and her family live in McKinney, Texas. Here's the answer from her husband Gordon Hill, former Manchester United star, in an interview in The Times online, London.

"I own and run United FC [Football Club], a youth soccer club in McKinney, about 25 miles from Dallas. I moved out here five years ago after working in Manchester, doing stuff on the radio and hospitality at United and MUTV. So I thought I’d try my hand at coaching. I did all the badges and had spells at Chester City, Hyde United and with Nova Scotia in Canada. My set-up has no official tie-in with Man United, though if I find a little diamond he will be steered towards the club. I’m also planning to set up a Gordon Hill Centre of Excellence. I’m in the UK three or four times a year, helping run soccer schools at Newport and Cardiff. I try to put a little bit back into the game."

The article is here. I don't know much about football/soccer, but I do know that my brother-in-law is the most honest and genuine athlete I've ever heard of. In a world that invites excess and scandal, he has been, and remains, true to the love of the game, which makes him a dream of a coach and teacher.

Gordon Hill in his heydey!!

And this is his son, Sam, the light of my life, in blue and yellow, playing in NZ

Everytime I see this photo, I see my mother's (his grandmother's) face. It's the angle...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Back to work...sort of

Now I know why people have assistants and helpers and cleaners. It's barely mid-afternoon and I'm ready to drop. I will probably get my second wind later this evening. (When your body says: Stop, and rest, you must do exactly that.)

To Ellen: thank you for giving me until Friday ;)

Photo of cute little girl on the tag: Courtesy of Arteology

Peace reigns once more

My home is my own again, and it's such a treat to finally have a screen door. I slept my full complement thanks to the nice man who re-installed the blinds in the bedroom, and am feeling more human today. My work area is still messy, but I'll be tackling that next because I have work to do and the mess is impeding my progress. Hats off to those who live amid long renovations -- you have my admiration!!!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Disarray and gobsmacking news

I returned home yesterday afternoon to brand-new windows. Exhausted as I was, I would have pulled off all the coverings and tidied up, but I had to wait until today for the patch-ups and for them to put the blinds in the bedroom back up. I face east, so the sun literally rises in my face and it was so bright this morning that I awoke long before my 8 hours' sleep were up. Still, I'm not complaining. I am thrilled to have a screen door finally. I can leave it open without the bugs flying uninvited!

By this evening everything should be in place. I thought I would take tomorrow off, but a fabulous opportunity has come my way and I will be working on some ideas and samples for that.

Here's a clue: Clickety-click!

When I got the offer last night I was gobsmacked. But thrilled and ... well, thrilled. It still needs to sink in. And now the work starts.

But first, I must go and get the drapes out of the dryer....

Sunday, March 07, 2010

And the winner is.....

The winner of the angel wing is

I'll be contacting you, Ellie, to get your address.

Thank you to all of you!

Early spring cleaning

I should say "enforced" spring cleaning.

All my windows are being replaced and upgraded tomorrow. Which means all the drapes have to come down, all the furniture has to be moved away from the windows, the electronics have to be unplugged and pushed again the side walls, and every thing has to be covered and taped down. Now, here's the thing. My living room windows open up to a very long balcony. A long balcony means the whole wall from floor to ceiling is made up of windows and a sliding door with a screen.

Moving everything means I clean. Cleaning means ... spring! It also means I won't have access to my computer tomorrow because regulations forbid me, for safety reasons, to be in the apartment when they're working. A security guard will be watching over it all while I'm exiled for the day.

Meanwhile, my set of rubber stamps arrived and I'm playing with them. My work table is nowhere near the windows so it's intact (I'll have to cover it with a drop cloth before they come in the morning).

I will announce the winner of the draw later today.

See you in a couple of days.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Thank you giveaway

It constantly amazes me that I get the nicest comments, from the nicest people, people I consider friends, who come here and validate what I do. I'm truly lucky!

So I'm doing a giveaway. and angel wing with feathers and three little beads.  Leave a comment on this post and make sure I can get in touch with you if you win. The draw will be on Sunday at noon EST.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

It's easy being green

My friend Sandra told me this morning that I should be making nothing but tags. [she loves my tags] My reply was, I wouldn't mind because I love making them. But then I would get restless; I like variety in my work.

My Irish tags are authentic. I come by my ephemera honestly: I'm Irish by marriage and have a direct channel to old photos and stamps and documents that I use in my artwork. The photo on the middle tag shows a farmeress in County Wexford in the 1950s... The Irish goodnaturedly suffer the "stage Irish" thing, as they call it, but Ireland is not all about leprechauns and begorrahs (in all my years in Ireland, I never heard the word begorrah even once!).

I was looking through Nicholas Mosse's book Irish Country Style and the section on embroidered motifs inspired me to sew the little shamrocks. Primarily a potter, Mosse is one of my favourites. I own one of his older pieces (photo below) in his unmistakable style.

Have a great day, bedad and begorrah!!!!

O Canada, Part Deux

Awww... thank you, Brian Williams of MSNBC.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Dyeing tags

I began with walnut ink, but I didn't like the chemistry -- it turned the tags into a pinkish brown that made me shudder. So I went back to my old standby: instant coffee. Perfect.

I also tried watercolours; I loaded the brush and flicked on the paint then blotted the tags dry. This method is touch and go, but it works.
[edit: Stamp is by Dawn Houser]

Monday, March 01, 2010

He shoots, he scores!

Sunday started off gloomy, but Ramona rescued me and we took a little drive, stopped at a grocery store to buy some mole and soft corn tortillas, then BizzyB's to drop off some stuff, then home for a meal. We couldn't bear to watch the hockey, all that tension, so we watched it on APTN where the commentary was in one of the Pacific Coast First Nations' language. It seemed a little easier that way, not understanding the commentary.

After we ate, I showed Ramona some freewheeling embroidery I was doing and she observed that it looked like a bird. A bird? Oh, I never thought of that.

So I started a new piece and embroidered a birdie entirely in French knots. I had to keep the hands busy.

Then the roar came when Crosby scored the golden goal!
