
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

In keeping with my resolution to make something every day, I started another dress quiltie. I didn't like how it was turning out, so I took out most of the stitches and set it aside.

It was a good time to do the vacuuming (I did the dusting yesterday). Instead, I checked my email. A friend sent me a picture of a painting of an angel. Another email mentioned an angel.


I pulled out my watercolours and painted this.

Resolution kept. At least for today :-)


Simplicity is the removal of the useless and the unnecessary--source unknown


  1. Well, painting is more uplifting than housework. i like your tiny dancer dresses.

  2. I love your painting! I've just bought some Dina Wakley scribble sticks so I can try my hand at watercolours. That's a great resolution to make something every day, creating is so uplifting!


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