The first review of my novel, Forgetting is So Long, on Amazon. I am so very grateful.
I have to say it's also a very good description of the subject matter. I
especially liked the first two sentences. When I was submitting it to the many book
publishers who rejected it, one of them actually told me to rewrite the whole manuscript
as a mystery novel. I was appalled that he didn't understand what the book
was all about: that it was not about chasing a murderer but about the aftermath of a murder, the people left behind and how they coped with it and the rest of their lives, something that's never addressed in murder mysteries. As an editor looking for new work, he should have considered exploring that, that's part of his job. How do I know? My first job out of college was with a book publisher.
Simplicity is the removal of the useless and the unnecessary--source unknown