
Friday, June 26, 2009

Totally hot....

.... the weather, that is. I've been out more than I've been in, minding the store for a friend, a job not unlike the bookstore, and thinking that my life right now is something of an adventure. That's what happens when you stay open to possibilities.

I'll be back with a weekend update. Meanwhile, the birds say hello-tweet!
[Paintings are available on eBay]


  1. The blackbird is singing to moi ! remember when I kvetched about the Charleston heat all the long summer... it is actually so much better here on the Southwest Florida coast! It is COOL in the evenings! Wooo ho!

  2. Hi!
    I think you have a nice blog, beatiful photos and smart posts.Would you follow me, because I don't want to lost your blog.I’m wating your visit.

  3. thank you for sharing your lovely birds - and for your kind comment on my blog, have a glorious, sun-filled weekend:)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate each and every one of you.