
Thursday, July 05, 2007

Hot and muggy Tuesday

This is the part I don't like, when the mugginess hangs over the city obscuring all the green of the earth and the blue of the sky.


  1. Hi Colette

    Thought I would pop over and say hi. It has been a while since I visited. Love the art you have been making. Lots of gorgeous pieces.

    Sorry to hear the weather is muggy. I know humidity can be very tiring.

    Take care..

    Dotee xoxo

  2. This is beautiful. Hope you get some relief from the heat and humidity soon. Your new banner is so clever and pretty! :)

  3. I don't like mugginess - where I am going this weekend is not muggy at all - probably absolutely freezing! I love your birdie!

  4. im soorry its so muggy- you know the best thing to do is have a cool shower and put a colored sarong, i hope that helps , oh and la jo


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