
Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Fourth of July

I went downtown to do some errands and noticed a lot of Americans walking around and in the stores......and I remembered it was the Fourth of July.

Have a great time, American cousins.

New Mexico landscape, acrylic on canvas (c) Colette Copeland


  1. This reminds me of New Mexico!! The light and color there is fantastic. Love this painting! We had fireworks tonight in the sky...the man made kind and lightning. I'm tired now but it was a good day. Is it hot up your way? xxxooo

  2. nice strong colors.

  3. The painting is beautiful!!

    Thank you for sending a comment to my blog recently. I was most honored. There is a wonderful camaraderie and kinship amongst so many around the world. I am thankful to be a part of it all.

    Many good wishes to you for your continued success!!

    Carol from "A Bird in Hand"
    Florida, USA


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate each and every one of you.