
Sunday, May 27, 2007


She was born in Toronto in another lifetime, grew up in a house somewhere around King Street East and Yonge, which is where I found her photograph, a large cabinet card, mangled at the edges, in Roisin's shop.

I rescued her and took her home because she was no longer unknown, anonymous, one more old photograph in a sea of unknown people who have passed through life.


  1. She is so beautiful Colette in this piece. You are honoring her well. Is that a little Meadowlark in the left upper corner? :)

  2. I see your art taking on new textures and I have to tell you that I am loving each one more successively...this is beautiful!

  3. You do beautiful work and thank you so much for coming and visiting my blog....

  4. I like your collages and I will visit again! Gorgeous!

  5. This piece is stunning and I too see your art moving in new, exciting directions. I am so happy to find people who appreciate old photos like I do. I cherish each one and love giving them new purpose. It is amazing to me that they are not kept by the families. I have "rescued" so many I may need to start thinking about storage spaces!! LOL!! Don't forget I have a free image every Tuesday for you to use in your art! Love, Jamie

  6. Anonymous11:12 a.m.

    beautiful piece, wonderful story

  7. Anonymous3:14 p.m.

    A sign of a good artist is how they can very and create in many ways. You are such an artist.

  8. I often wonder about all those photos that you see in antique shops & flea markets. I look always to see if I knew them. I like what you did here with this. xox


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate each and every one of you.