
Monday, May 28, 2007

A new week

I want to thank you all for saying such nice things in your comments. You really encourage me and propel me to continue with my work. I really, really appreciate you all, dear blogger friends!

If the rest of summer is like today, I will be very, very happy. I like me some dry, warm weather, with a little cool breeze thrown in. Walking home this evening, I noticed how mellow the city gets with the warmer weather, and what a great city this is to live in. We have been called "provincial", but if that means clean and relatively safe, so be it. We have everything a big, international city has, but not the anonymity. I've lived in cities where you never ever come across people you know in the street, but in Toronto, it happens all the time. I may dream of other places, but there's a reason I'm still here: I feel safe, I feel at home.

Have a happy Monday.


  1. dear Colette,
    I loved reading your lovely thoughts about living where you feel safe and at home.
    I feel that way here, so I know what you mean...right now my trees are casting long shadows on the grass, the last rays of todays glowing gold through all the many different leaves, the air is warm and soft, the birds are putting themselves to bed, a few laggers are in the birdbath,it's just heaven here.
    I know you must be feeling the same in your beautiful city.
    Thank you for sharing your day.

  2. Dear Colette! You are such an inspiration! I love viisting yuo and seeing all your creations! ..It is always a pleasure ! ...I feel the same about where I live too. It is so safe and vewry neighborly. Even tho it has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years, the element of small town values remains.

  3. Hi darling,ALWAYS LOVE YOUR ART,so creative,if I had the money I would but it all!how are you doing,I had a great weekend,kids home and lots of fun!also had some of my foster youn'ins home.working on art and just son got engaged,hes going to marrie my xhusbands step child!its a good thing we get along cause we are now going to be in-laws!xxoo hollor back soon

  4. Your town sounds so beautiful and bucollic. I hope to visit there someday! Loveyou.

  5. feeling safe & feeling at home is so important to one. Some people never find that & I, like you have found my heart home for this life. (although my soul home is in Cornwall)
    I appreciate you too, Colette & feel blessed that you found me when I was being 'persecuted' all those months ago - I am so thankful that you did and will never forget that piece that you created - can you remember it? they were blowing raspberries I think :)

  6. Anonymous4:17 p.m.

    Thank you doll!! No need to thank are the one who gives abundantly.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate each and every one of you.