
Monday, August 31, 2015

The days are getting shorter and the light is changing. I learned some important things this summer that I will be carrying on through all the seasons to come. One of them is meditating, which for me is sitting quietly for at least 10 minutes every day and focusing on my breathing. I'm highly sensitive and tend to soak up the troubles of the world -- or so it seems. Unfairness and injustice have always affected me, and when it started causing me damaging stress, I had to do something. In general, there's little I can do to solve other people's problems (helping is one thing; taking on their burdens is another, and to help effectively you have to have to be calm). So I wanted to learn to be calm in my core. Sustained meditation is working for me. The benefits are showing.

Daily walks among the trees is another way.
And so is letting my paintbrush do whatever it wants.

 I wish you inner peace.

Simplicity is the removal of the useless and the unnecessary--source unknown


  1. This is so DREAMY and very Peaceful! WELL DONE = )

  2. I have had to limit how much news I read. The world is a good place with too many uproars. I too spend a lot of time among the trees, they are much more agreeable.


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