
Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Another beautiful day. I believe it's safe to say that spring is here to stay. Yesterday I saw a chipmunk chasing a squirrel almost three times its size... feisty little thing.

Soon I'll be walking up to what I call the "magnolia tree street" and admire the glory of the season. After that, the lilacs will bloom, and the harsh winter will be forgotten.

Simplicity is the removal of the useless and the unnecessary--source unknown


  1. Anonymous10:25 p.m.

    you're right, today was a little shopping done...bought some pink lipstick and nail polish.....
    your painting and words match my mood today, Colette.

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  2. lovely, a quiet soft Spring is what we need to heal our Winter weary hearts.


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