
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I find it hard to get going when it's grey and gloomy and wet outside.
A part of me just wants to curl up on the couch with a hot drink and watch old movies on television. Reading would only make me drowsy; my reading is reserved for nighttime.
Another part of me recoils at the very thought and wants to be active: move something, anything.
And another part of me compromises: Have a shot of coffee, then make something.
That's the part I listen to. It always leads to my getting out of the house....

So this piece of wood has been sitting on my table. It's the only one I have, so I've waited for the "right" idea (idée juste?). I don't know if this is it, but I went ahead anyway.

Ma cabane au Canada

Do not break your shin on a stool that is not in your way.-- Irish proverb


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