
Tuesday, July 06, 2010

We're having a heatwave this week. 30+ C and the forecast for tomorrow has it at 44C (including the humidity factor). It's rare that I cheer when the meteo says a "cold front" will be coming in at the end of the week and get the temperatures down to normal. I hope so. I've been doing what I call the Washington Hop: when I'm out, going in and out of stores just to cool off. I used to do that in Washington, D.C. I walked everywhere (it's that kind of a city) and I would drop into Peoples Drugstore who had the air-conditioning cranked up so high that you froze in seconds. It was necessary to survive.

Anyway.......... I took a painting break. Which means I painted. Colour. Abstraction.


  1. I do not envy you at all that heat. I melt in heat like that.
    sending you some cool, crisp mountain air xoxo

  2. stay cool colette...i grew up in the d.c. area and i totally remember peoples
    yes..a well cranked a.c. in the summertime is a must!!
    the painting is very tranquil and cool looking...just the perfect antidote to a overly hot day!

  3. Minimalist chic and so you!

  4. I love the composition and the colours. Very nice.

    The heat, not so nice.


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