
Wednesday, July 08, 2015

 Today was gouache day. But first, I cut up some huge sheets of Fabriano watercolour paper. I would have liked to paint on a whole sheet -- 22 x 30 inches -- but the problem was space. So I measured and cut four pieces out of one sheet.

I painted on one sheet, but it wasn't cohesive, so I cut it up.  Result, three paintings.


 Well, the idea was to try things out and have some fun while I was at it...

Simplicity is the removal of the useless and the unnecessary--source unknown


  1. You get such brilliant colour with gouache! Great whimsical pieces! xo

  2. You get such brilliant colour with gouache! Great whimsical pieces! xo

  3. Well it looks like you did have fun. They turned out beautiful.

  4. Wonderful cards Colette !! I love those so beautiful colours ! great work ! Big hugs from Spain. Caty


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