
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Working saturday

[Bird pin/brooch available on eBay]

Yes, but it's MY work. That makes all the difference. It is springlike today and all over the neighborhood you can hear the windows opening.

Yesterday I noticed that the birds were chattering their sweet little heads off! We're fed up! they said. We don't care if there's still snow on the ground, we are here to stay!

So here's a bird to pin on yourself, your bag, a pillow, your Easter bonnet, and anything you can pin it on.

Tweet day to you all.


  1. This is very sweet! I saw some robins today playing in rain puddles. A good sign!

  2. I love this Colette!! Do you have any on etsy! It was great seeing you last night! Thanks for the Italian ATC.Come visit my blog as I mentioned you!!! Arrivaderci!

  3. Colette, We both posted pins~how fun! Actually I was thinking about when the robins show up in Texas each year. We say that is the end of cold weather and warm weather is here to stay. We have not seen them yet. Is your pin a robin? It looks like one!
    Our little birdies are sending out huge, loud songs each morning. Makes me want to be at home each morning to hear them, but I have to leave way before they start to sing for work each morning.
    wishing you a blessed Easter week~


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