
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Rubber stamp by Catherine Moore/character constructions.

I sent in my 20things to Nova Scotia, my only group project, on time, and also mailed my second Comfort Box.

Then I did a load of laundry. Wonders will never cease!

And soon I am off to Martha's to play in her studio.


  1. Here I am..Bloggerita girl! ha! Hee hee...cute collage! That is so cool that you have been to Charleston! It is a beautiful city. It has it's moments, though! Ha! Have fun playing tonight!

  2. Our play date was cancelled :( Rescheduled for Friday!!! We'll play then -- I have lots of fabric goodies for you! I'm not allowed to have any shortbread goodies on hand though......

  3. oops...I realized that you WROTE about Charleston..but did you ever come here??? O ! NO! Your play date got cancelled!

  4. Yep..I'm a dingbat sometimes! Ha! What was the article about?

  5. You do such delicate, beautiful work Colette. Your heart in the previous post is lovely!

  6. I really find this so interesting Colette! The subtle and powerful working together.... a very cool piece! Have fun at Martha's studio...sounds like a good day planned. xxxooo


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