
Monday, December 20, 2010

I don't know how I stumbled upon this site, but I did and it made my heart beat faster. What I would give to spend a few hours in this space. It's one of the most seductive places I've ever seen.


  1. Oh my! I see what you mean...
    I'm on my way over to discover more...intriguing!
    Thanks for sharing your stumble!

  2. thanks for sharing claudia!!!!! i have been given the gift of mantofev and this site!!! you are the best. why did i not see installations like this in art school? i would have been so inspired!! i'm off to read about this site. thanks

  3. Oh my dog! What an amazing find! Addictive and seductive goodies to be sure!

  4. I love it when I stumble across a wonderful site. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Beautiful, heirloom touches of lace, paper and wonder!

  6. Wow, what vintage goodness here. I too would love to have a wander there. Where on earth did they get all those manuscripts, and the clothes are amazing. Thanks for posting about this. Must investigate more.

    Have a wonderful Christmas Colette and I hope 2011 is brilliant for you.

  7. I can see why you would love it, it's just your style!!!!

  8. Loved this! I think one of your alternate selves must have designed this clothing while you were busy exploring Paperland.


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