
Sunday, May 16, 2010

For this month's ATC trading at BizzyB's, the theme was house. My houses focused on the inhabitants, humans and plants... each one had a purpose. There was no thinking, no coming up with ideas -- it just happened. Oddly, I've been dreaming about houses, and houses that I've recognized from previous dreams. Houses symbolize the self, so it was quite an interesting message for me (I always pay attention to my dreams).


  1. Very interesting houses and the connection to your dreams. Happy creating...

  2. Houses are just such a happy shape.....yours are fab!

  3. Anonymous12:15 p.m.

    .......I've said it before...and I'll say it are unique...and your work is unique....end of story!!!

    Anon x

  4. I love these, especially the green house!!!
    I love that you listen to your dreams~Very special!

  5. Collete,
    I like those a lot! I am a psychologist but have had little Jungian training. I wish I had more because I love symbols! These are also unique and look like your work!

  6. Beautiful post, every house hmm belongs to someone speacial.

  7. They are so lovely...

  8. oh collete...i just posted thoughts on HOME and houses. i love this post. i love your cards.
    you always inspire.
    thanks for sharing.

  9. You did a beautiful job with these!

  10. Excellent creativity! I love the houses.

  11. charming little houses...really cool music..

  12. I love your art, always... it speaks to my soul... you see this is the kind of thing I wish I could create.. art that speaks to my soul xo
    two more little packages to go! I love the care packages... you have talent in caring for others xoxo

  13. hola collette!!!!...the houses are so beautifull as your dreams!!!!!divinas!!!!besos!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Anonymous12:46 p.m.

    Outstanding! Lucky recipients of those ATC's. The real deal, not just copies. I love the tea house and the potting shed. I tend to dream often of houses. Most times they are about houses I used to live in (though they do not resemble the actual houses, but in my dream I still know they are supposed to be a particular house), and the houses in my dreams always end up having been added on to or expanded. At first they seem small, but then I open a door and find a whole new wing or even an extra garden.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate each and every one of you.