
Monday, March 01, 2010

He shoots, he scores!

Sunday started off gloomy, but Ramona rescued me and we took a little drive, stopped at a grocery store to buy some mole and soft corn tortillas, then BizzyB's to drop off some stuff, then home for a meal. We couldn't bear to watch the hockey, all that tension, so we watched it on APTN where the commentary was in one of the Pacific Coast First Nations' language. It seemed a little easier that way, not understanding the commentary.

After we ate, I showed Ramona some freewheeling embroidery I was doing and she observed that it looked like a bird. A bird? Oh, I never thought of that.

So I started a new piece and embroidered a birdie entirely in French knots. I had to keep the hands busy.

Then the roar came when Crosby scored the golden goal!



  1. Congratulations!!!!

  2. Oh, Canada indeed! It was a stressful game. I listened while I played on the computer :)Bye bye Olympics -- I'll miss you -- see you in a few years.....

  3. Love the french knots... so pretty! That's a very happy little bird :)

  4. A cute lilttle knotty birdie!

  5. Hi Colette - I love to hook too but I usually find it takes so long! I never even thought about making a cute little mini!

    Sorry, I haven't been over as much as I'd like! I will catch up with all your beautiful things!

    Sending hugs
    Carolyn x


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