
Thursday, March 27, 2008

A good day

I bartered a big painting for a number of appointments with Rob, and today he cut my hair. The bangs are out of my eyes and my head feels much lighter. I've known Rob for most of my adult life and he always cuts my hair. His salon is turning into a gallery of my paintings. Some he has bought over the years, a couple are barters.

The flock of birdies have flown to The Plumtree Antiques & Gifts . I sounded out Cindy, the owner, and she opened the door to me. I am so happy and grateful!

As it happens, I came across an excerpt from a book, Courageous Dreaming by Alberto Villoldo, that said this: Our dreams stop being goals we strive for and start becoming a way of life. They cease being rooted in fears of lack and scarcity and are instead rooted in love and abundance.
That's exactly what I've been doing lately.

Be well.
Be safe.
Be happy.


  1. Bartering is good! Over the years I have traded artwork for hair cuts, dinners at restaurants, chiropractic,and massage! Wheee... I may have to do a lot of bartering when I cross country in the Vdub. THe quote you posted is so apropo.

  2. Congrats on sending th birds to an Antique shop!!! I love the saying on Courageous Dreaming!

    Love Ya,Sandy

  3. What a wonderful exchange, beauty for beauty! There should be more bartering, what a wonderful idea!
    I've haven't commented in a while but I do always stop by to see what deliciousness you have created, you never disappoint!
    Thinking of you!
    Love and hugs,

  4. I love the excerpt from "Courageous Dreaming"...
    You really are getting your art out there Colette, it must be fulfilling.

  5. What a wonderful blog, I'm glad I found you. Laurie

  6. I love this excerpt! I am going to get this book from the library. It sounds wonderful. Hope you are well today. love nita


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