
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Waiting for Spring

Assemblage (c) colette copeland, available in my Etsy shop

It's raining, it's pouring.... and the birdies are waiting for spring. So am I.

I managed to get out for a walk before it got too wet, but I had to go slow because of black ice. Black ice is treacherous; being invisible, you can slip very easily and break something.

The air is grey, and there's the constant drip-drip-drip of rain and melting ice. It's safer to be indoors. Time for a hot chocolate break!

Be safe, be warm, be well.


  1. This piece is really wonderful. I love birds. It is grey here to. The hot chocolate sounds like a great idea. xoxo nita

  2. Hi Colette, you've been tagged, go to my blog to see the rules. Just love this artwork, like Red Tin Heart, I love birds too.

  3. Love the little birdies!

  4. I'm so ready to embrace Spring! Goodbye Winter... please go. xo, Monica


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