
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

It snowed when I wasn't looking...

A new year (c) colette copeland, available on eBay SOLD

Yesterday, I took a big box to the post office destined for Somerset Studio. Ginette put it on the scales and said: But you didn't show me the paintings before you packaged them.

You'll have to wait for the magazine, I said. I'll bring it in and show you. Nothing like your local post office cheering you on.

When I walked in there was a heated conversation going on. Ginette looked at me and said: What's the English word for palourde?
--Clam, I said.
--That's what I told my Mom, she said.

Ginette's mom had asked her what the English word for palourde was, Ginette said "clam", but Maman said, No, that's not it, and an argument had ensued.

Ginette, I reminded her gently, this is Canada. Tell her to go into any grocery store and look at a can of clams. It will say palourdes on it.

That settled it. I love settling things for people!


  1. Ha! That's an October birthday girl for you! We all need Libras around...xxxooo

  2. Oh! Wren says "hi"! She left this morning...sigh.

  3. Ohhh! This collage is so bright and whimsical! Very clever with the New Year bebe!! Palourdes sounds so much mmore beautiful than clams! ha....and perfect way to settle le' arguement.

  4. Hooray for getting the nod from Somerset. I love that magazine

  5. i can't wait to see this in somerset! so very pretty!


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