
Friday, December 07, 2007

Norval Morrisseau (1932 - 2007)

It's a sad day for us. One of Canada's greatest artists ever, Norval Morrisseau, has died.
Morrisseau, also known as Copper Thunderbird, was an Ojibwa from Thunder Bay. He was raised by his grandfather who introduced him to Ojibwa shamanism and told him the stories and legends passed down among the Ojibwa people. His works depict those legends, as well as the cultural and political tensions between Aboriginal Canadian and European traditions, his existential struggles, and his deep spirituality and mysticism. In 1989 he was the only Canadian Painter to be invited to participate in the "Magicians Of The Earth" exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris, France. He founded the Woodlands School of Canadian Art.

"As The Artist Sees Himself", Norval Morrisseau 1992


  1. this is odd. I only discovered this artist a week or so ago, while looking for shamanic art.
    May his spirit fly xo

  2. what an amazing artist he sorry to hear of his passing.


    ps, come by my blog to see the give away i am hosting in honor of world vision :)hope to see you there :)

  3. For more information on Norval Morrisseau and his Legacy go to:

    Meegwetch, Spirit Walker

  4. You're invited to learn more about Norvalfrom the only authorised 3rd party blog. No fake paintings here:

    Raven Thunderbird


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