
Sunday, December 09, 2007

Keeping it simple

My gifts this year are all handmade. It's given me a lot of satisfaction and joy. Come tomorrow, I'll be packing and mailing.
Gifting is a matter of the heart, not an obligation or a trade.


  1. I love it "Gifting is a matter of the heart, not an obligation or a trade". I am with you all the way. I love to give gifts, sometimes for not reason... besides who needs a reason a smile is the only happiness I need.

  2. Why I don't come here every day is beyond me. You inspire me so in every way: artistically, spiritually, mentally and physically (I should really be walking again!). I need to make a point of coming here even if I don't have time to "blog." It's important. Thank you for all that you share.

  3. Handmade is always best! Anything that you make will be greatly appreciated by the recipients! Yes!! Your work is bee U tiful!!!I am making Christmas ornaments for all my friends this year.

  4. There is nothing as wonderful as a gift from your own two hands, handmade rules!! You are just wonderful :)

  5. That's the spirit...! :)

  6. yes, you are right about gift giving. Sometimes, we all get caught up in the 'must do's' of the silly season and that takes all the joy out of it.

  7. oh and also.. I get caught up in feeling 'guilty' if I receive a gift or a card from someone and haven't reciprocated.. that is something I must let go of.

  8. Howw wonderful to have handcrafted all of your gifts this year. I love this idea. I make some (not all) of my gifts and not only is it fun to make them, but also fun to give them!

  9. I am sure that your friends loved the presents you sent to them Colette. I wish you all the very best, now and always.



Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate each and every one of you.