
Sunday, January 21, 2007

A good day for reading

First, the weather is normal for January: dry, icy. That means no headaches!

Yesterday I came across a book that I started reading last night and found it hard to put down: According to Mary, The Life of Mary Magdalene, a novel by Marianne Fredriksson. The author, fascinated by the contradictions in religious history, after she had read Simone Weil's (a Catholic) Letter to a Dominican, began searching for answers. "How did Jesus, whose foremost message is forgiveness and mercy, become the judgmental god? How could his determined distancing himself from priests and those learned in the scriptures lay the foundations to a religion with such harsh regulations, domination, and hierarchy?" Fredriksson asked. Eventually she ended up in the Nag Hammadi Library and happened to come upon the fragment of the Gospel according to Mary Magdalene, and this book was born.

I'm fairly open-minded. I will listen to both sides of a story before I make up my mind (sometimes my mind is never made up), and I found those questions compelling, mainly because they had often occurred to me too.


  1. I have heard about this book and it sounds intriguing! I saw it at B&N...I will check it out! thanks!

  2. i'd like to read this too -- it sounds great, I have read another book by her that I really liked -- Hanna's Daughters.

  3. A friend of mine was excited when this book came out and told me about it. I have many questions in my quest for whatever you want to call it....beliefs...spirituality. But one thing I know is that I have always felt a strong female presence. I think I will have to add this to my library of books.

  4. oh Colette! I gotta get me this book :) off to look for it tomorrow. love your tag, by the way xo

  5. Sounds like a fascinating book - must look for it. As for the accompanying image, only the top fourth is visible but I'm sure it's lovely.

  6. I found you through my friend Janet, first let me say I really enjoyed your art work, very refreshing and creative. Because you said you were "open minded" I just have to say this... true christianity is not about RELIGION but it is about relationship, if we have that with Christ all of the other things will become open to us. Have you read the bible?


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